The interactive context of discovering the category of corporeality in a phenomenological approach


  • Alicja Długołęcka Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie


Słowa kluczowe:

body, corporeality, carnal self, embodied presence, care, gratitude, mindfulness, ethics of touch, therapeutic relation in physiotherapy


The article presents different ways of dealing with the subject of the body and corporeality in the humanities, which can form the epistemiological and axiological basis in a reflection on the psycho- and physiotherapeutic relationship with patients, and confronts them with the results of two qualitative studies based on the grounded theory concerning exploration by women of their own body and experiencing their own corporeality, intimacy and touch in medical relations. The author shows that phenomenological philosophy, taking into account the concepts of “carnal self” and “presence of the embodied” that human knowledge always has a carnal character, is the most adequate for use in analyses regarding therapeutic interactions related to the body. Analysis of qualitative research on the process of realising your own corporeality in the cognitive-emotional dimension in the relationship with oneself and in the therapeutic relationship fully confirms the legitimacy of applying the grounded theory method in the study of phenomena regarding carnality and such values as gratitude, mindfulness, care, efficiency and autonomy emerge.


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Jak cytować

Długołęcka, A. (2019). The interactive context of discovering the category of corporeality in a phenomenological approach. Panoptikum, (21), 65–80.


