Dokument z pulpitu. O kulisach powstania, narracji i kontekstach Transformers: The Premake Kevina B. Lee


  • Paweł Biliński Uniwersytet Gdański


Słowa kluczowe:

video essay, Lee, Transformers, documentary, desktop, YouTube


The paper focuses on an analysis of Kevin B. Lee’s video essay Transformers: The Premake. The Author refers to the narrative components of the film and to the context of its production (which is also one of the themes of the analyzed video essay). Transformers: The Premake is characterized not only by the work of Lee – one of the most appreciated contemporary video essayists – but also as a film on production and audience studies. As a desktop documentary, Lee’s vi­deo essay is a self-reflexive film in which the main topic – in this case the more or less conscious participation of spectators in the process of the promotion of Mi­chael Bay’s Transformers: Age of Extinction – remains as important as the editing of The Premake: video essay on the work of contemporary film/video essayist, who shapes the narration of his film with the usage of material available on the Internet (videos on YouTube or Vimeo) and available software (Adobe Premiere, Google Maps, etc.).


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Jak cytować

Biliński, P. (2020). Dokument z pulpitu. O kulisach powstania, narracji i kontekstach Transformers: The Premake Kevina B. Lee. Panoptikum, (24), 104–121.