Revisiting Videogame Logic: Impossible Storyworlds in the Contemporary Hollywood Blockbuster


  • Warren Buckland Oxford Brookes University


Słowa kluczowe:

storyworld, blockbuster, Christopher Nolan, Duncan Jones, narrative theory, videogames


This paper demonstrates how two logics (narrative and videogame) function in a select number of contemporary blockbuster films. The paper is divided into three sections: The first outlines narrative and videogame logics; the second presents examples from Inception (Christopher Nolan, 2010) and Source Code (Duncan Jones, 2011) to demonstrate how videogame logic structures the events in each film; and the third discusses how these logics create specific storyworlds (imaginary worlds distinct from the actual world) that are unnatural and/or impossible.


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Jak cytować

Buckland, W. (2021). Revisiting Videogame Logic: Impossible Storyworlds in the Contemporary Hollywood Blockbuster. Panoptikum, (26), 155–167.


