Sensibilities of the digital era. New media and future technologies in K-drama subgenre narratives


  • Agnieszka Kiejziewicz RMIT University Vietnam


Słowa kluczowe:

k-drama, sztuczna inteligencja, serialowe subgatunki, tropy Science Fiction, światy przyszłości


The presented article provides insight into the development of the SF tropes in K-dramas, pointing out the correlation between the technological discourses, narrative modifications, and the viewers’ expectations. The author focuses on three chosen titles – Crash Landing on You (Sarang-ui bulsichak), My Holo Love (Na Hollo Geudae), and Memories of the Alhambra (Alhambeura Gungjeonui Chueok) – which underline the differences between technological narratives in K-dramas. The dynamic development of K-drama subgenres indicates that the generic love story has to be accompanied by additional elements, building engaging and memorable background. There is a need for exciting surroundings transgressing the notions of probability and drifting into the fantastic or futuristic worlds. Focusing on the serialized representations of technological development, the author analyzes how K-drama anticipates the future and creates a new specter of cultural sensibilities.


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Jak cytować

Kiejziewicz, A. (2022). Sensibilities of the digital era. New media and future technologies in K-drama subgenre narratives. Panoptikum, (28), 98–117.


