Ciało ludzkie – ciało ludu w przestrzeni nazistowskiej
During the Third Reich, the propaganda impact of architecture and space, cumulated in relation to the basic material provided by Volkskörper, ‘human architecture’. Not only were the bodies of an individual and a community the recipients of architecture or affected by its impact, but they also co-created it. The official Nazi assumptions interpreted in this light may allow, using the perspective of the peculiar features of the Third Reich architecture, to illustrate the relations between an individual and a group during the Nazi times. The analysis of the combination of the human body and resized space demonstrates that a symbolic immersion of an individual in Volksgemeinschaft does not only seem to annihilate him, but through that to incorporate him into the system of mindless obedience.
These issues will be discussed on the example of Poznań WW II projects, placed in the context of the selected model ones from Nuremberg and Weimar.
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