Seksualizacja dzieciństwa. Wybrane aspekty


  • Dagmara Dobosz Uniwersytet Śląski


Słowa kluczowe:

seksualizacja, media, dzieciństwo, wzorce atrakcyjności, kultura popularna


This paper presents an overview of issues related to the problem of child sexualisation in the context of exposing children to sexualised images of teenagers and adults, especially in the context of promoting feminine beauty ideals as well as styling young girls as adults and giving them an erotic character. As a framework the definition of sexualisation developed by the APA was used. Possible consequences of sexualisation were discussed based on a review of previously published studies.


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Jak cytować

Dobosz, D. (2019). Seksualizacja dzieciństwa. Wybrane aspekty. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 47(4), 125–134.



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