“True fiction” – the memory and the postmemory of traumatic war events in a picturebook


  • Magdalena Howorus-Czajka University of Gdańsk

Słowa kluczowe:

memory, postmemory, Polish picturebook, Polish contemporary art


The World War II has left an emotional wound, and its direct victims as well as new generations have to cope with it. The main subject of my presentation will be an analysis of methods for presenting World War II history in against the background of a theory of memory and postmemory of war’s trauma through the example of picturebooks which were published in Poland during the first two decades of the XXI century. I would like to discuss the main trends in presenting the issues pertaining to the war. The transcription of the Second World War memory into picturebooks is especially interesting for me as a historian of art. I analyse the artistic styles adapted by the artists to express difficult topics, such as the holocaust, the horror of concentrations camps, hunger, fear, loss of family, death. Composition, artistic techniques, colour, vocabulary, typography – these are the tools in the hands of artists through which they can not only tell the story, but also stir up emotions and shape the personality. The picturebook, like other types of art, operates through the language of fiction to tell the truth. Art is one of the languages of historical narration.



Works of reference

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Jak cytować

Howorus-Czajka, M. (2016). “True fiction” – the memory and the postmemory of traumatic war events in a picturebook. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 34(3), 94–106. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/pwe/article/view/796