Schulz i Lille
Bruno Schulz visited Paris in August 1938. He wanted to organize there an exhibition of his works of art and for that reason he met, among others, Ludwik Lille, a graphic artist and a painter, member of an avant-garde group called “Artes.” In Lille’s archive, now held in the Polish Library in Paris, there are several texts written for the Polish Section of the French Radio. One of them is titled “On Bruno Schulz, a Poet and a Painter.” The entire text, which was presented on the radio, has been included in the present essay as an appendix. The other appendix is a reproduction of a photocopy of Meczysław Joszt’s portrait drawn by Schulz, which is now also in the holdings of the Paris Polish Library. The drawing was mistakenly published in 1969 by “Oficyna Poetów” and Schulz’s portrait drawn by Lille.
Bruno Schulz 1892–1942. Katalog-Pamiętnik Wystawy „Bruno Schulz. Ad Memoriam” w Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza w Warszawie. 1995. Rred. W. Chmurzyński. Warszawa: Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza.
Budzyński Wiesław. 1983. „Schulz w Paryżu”. Polityka 7.
Ficowski Jerzy. 2002. Regiony wielkiej herezji i okolice. Bruno Schulz i jego mitologia. Sejny: Fundacja „Pogranicze”.
Lille Ludwik. 1937. Muzeum Żydowskiej Gminy Wyznaniowej. Lwów.
Schulz Bruno. 2002. Księga listów. Zebrał i przygotował do druku J. Ficowski. Gdańsk: słowo/obraz terytoria.
Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce działających (zmarłych przed 1966 r.): malarze, rzeźbiarze, graficy. 1993. T. V. Red. J. Derwojeda. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.