Material culture in the 14th­‑century wills of women in Yorkshire




material culture, wills, Yorkshire, women, Middle Ages, clothing, fabrics, money, inventory


The wills of Yorkshire women from the 14th century were drawn up on the basis of a commonly used form. The content was divided into two parts: the first one included legates for religious purposes (ad pias causas) and records concerning the burial of a given testator. The second part concerned distributing the assets among relatives or people close to the testator. This section usually included detailed lists of objects used by 14th century residents of the county and the city of York. The sums of money or items bequeathed by the testators constitute a testimony to the material position of the aforementioned women. In their wills, wealthier women donated money, jewellery, precious items made of silver, books, and clothes. Whereas, documents belonging to poorer women resemble an inventory of household items. There are also many records of livestock or products related to agricultural holdings. The descriptions included in wills indicate a great variety of items described as precisely as possible. These documents explain the material culture of the upper classes of 14th-century Yorkshire residents.


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How to Cite

Prykowska, K. . (2023). Material culture in the 14th­‑century wills of women in Yorkshire. Medieval Studies, (26), 165–190.


