A Few Remarks on the Image of the “Ideal Ruler” Theodoric the Great in the Light of Cassiodorus Senator’s “Variae” (part one)





Theodoric the Great, image of an “ideal” ruler, Cassiodorus Senator


In this article, the author analyzes letters from the royal chancellery of Theodoric the Great in terms of creating an image of an “ideal” Christian ruler via the example of Theodoric. The article opens with an introduction in which the issues analyzed are outlined. Then the six main features are set out of the “ideal” Christian ruler emerging from the image created in the letters from the royal chancellery of Theodoric. Because of the abundance of source material, it has been necessary to divide the article into two parts. In the first part, we dis cuss the three most common features in the sources: fair and law-abiding, caring for his people, caring for the development of the state. The first part ends with a short summary. In the second part, we will discuss the next three features, which include: dealing with military affairs, skillfully conducting “foreign policy”, being distinguished by Christian virtues, and caring for the Church. In the second part, we will present a summary that contains conclusions about the image of an “ideal” Christian ruler presented via the example of Theodoric. Letters from the chancellery, presided over by Cassiodorus Senator, are a valuable source for early-medieval Italy under Ostrogoth rule. We can see in them the changes that took place in the society of that time after the collapse of the western structures of the Roman Empire.


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How to Cite

Wojcieszak, M. . (2023). A Few Remarks on the Image of the “Ideal Ruler” Theodoric the Great in the Light of Cassiodorus Senator’s “Variae” (part one). Medieval Studies, (26), 300–333. https://doi.org/10.26881/sds.2023.26.12


