The media in France in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab. Selected issues


  • Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab University of Warsaw


French media, media system, Fourth Industrial Revolution


The article describes transformation of the French media in the context of Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab. The focus of the article is on technological, social and cultural issues. Analyzed changes have an impact on evolution of the media system on an unprecedented scale. They determine not only the media market landscape, but also the entire mindset of the French. On the other hand, social and cultural factors can slow down the progress in the media sector.


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How to Cite

Gajlewicz-Korab, K. . (2020). The media in France in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab. Selected issues. Media Business Culture, (2(9), 9–22. Retrieved from


