Polish Thematic Media on Video Games 1990–2020


  • Przemysław Ciszek Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


press, television, internet, video games, gamers


This article presents the history and contemporary state of Polish media on the theme of video games. Media about video games emerged on the Polish market after the country’s political transformation of 1989 and quickly became very popular. The ever increasing multitude of players led to demand for information and reviews on games. During 1990’s there were many more or less significant magazines about video games in Poland. Almost all of them perished. Currently, there are only three of them on the Polish market. TV programmes about video games appeared during the 90s which effectively showcased them in action. The media landscape has changed as the internet has become widely available and largely overtaken the information and entertainment function of the press and television in regards to video games. Today thematic websites about games are still important but youtubers and Twitch streamers are taking advantage. Their broadcast is especially important for younger generation of gamers. Presenting video games in action and live commentary is a very popular way of communication. Many online content creators have built great audience and income doing so.


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How to Cite

Ciszek, P. . (2021). Polish Thematic Media on Video Games 1990–2020. Media Business Culture, (1(10), 103–114. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/MBK/article/view/6175


