How to convince the undecided – communication with the elderly and attitudes towards vaccination COVID-19


  • Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil University of Gdańsk


vaccination, COVID-19, pandemic, elderly, social communication


The pandemic has had its toll on the socio-economic life of most people. Governments and international organizations face new challenges in a situation of uncertainty. The next step in the fight against the threat of COVID-19 is the mass vaccination procedure. Social campaigns are designed to encourage as many people as possible to join the vaccination plan. Achieving population resilience requires a significant commitment of organizational, financial and communication resources. Older people constitute a priority group in the vaccination system in Poland. However, despite the measures taken, there remains a significant share of seniors who remain reluctant to vaccination. The government is taking further pro-turnout measures targeted at the elderly. The shortcomings of the existing strategies should be eliminated for the benefit of society. This article is an attempt to summarize the research conducted so far in the field of the needs and possibilities of communication with the elderly, attitudes towards vaccinations and sources of influence on making purchasing decisions of seniors.


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How to Cite

Bałandynowicz-Panfil, K. (2021). How to convince the undecided – communication with the elderly and attitudes towards vaccination COVID-19. Media Business Culture, (1(10), 159–172. Retrieved from


