Health for sale? Television pharmaceuticals advertisements and the peripheral route of persuasion


  • Natalia Moczoł University of Silesia in Katowice


health communication, TV advertising, persuasion, pharmaceuticals, Elaboration Likelihood Model


The article presents the results of the content analysis of TV commercials for pharmaceuticals in the peripheral way of persuasion. The research was based on 4,052 spots broadcast by three TV stations in November 2020 and January 2021. The obtained results showed that, to a large extent, advertisements related to this group of products are not based on references to medicine. The authors of these reports rarely use the image of medical professionals as experts. The analysis also did not show creating a narrative using persuasion tools such as scenes referring to the medical environment and specialized vocabulary. The collected research material has been demonstrated that family members and friends often play the role of authority in advertising OTC drugs, dietary supplements, and medical devices. The most frequently used type of scenes are spaces related to everyday life. Based on the conducted research, new trends were identified in televised Natalia Moczoł 114 advertisements for pharmaceuticals, resulting from both legal conditions and the deepening mediatisation in medicine.


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How to Cite

Moczoł , N. . (2022). Health for sale? Television pharmaceuticals advertisements and the peripheral route of persuasion. Media Business Culture, (1(12), 113–124. Retrieved from


