Debate on images. About the content of political internet memes


  • Karina Czepiec-Veltzé Jagiellonian University


political memes, Web 2.0, image board, political communication, participation culture


This article focuses on the presence of politics in entertainment and how the phenomenon known as “Web 2.0” has been used to advance it. The characteristics and habits of the younger generation are not insignificant, as they are the main producers and consumers of internet memes. This younger generation is defined through attitudes, shared experiences, and generational traits – not through age or any other biological factors. The chosen methodology (content analysis utilizing a specially designed categorization key) lets us look in-depth at a representative sample of political memes and analyse them. With this methodology, it is possible to decode the disposition of each meme society and the frequency at which particular political elements appear within the images. The goal of this research is to evaluate whom from the political stage youth are discussing, and in what way they are being discussed using this modern form of communication and civic participation. Through the exploitation of memes, image board Karina Czepiec-Veltzé 172 users show their opinions and attitudes towards current and past political affairs. The power of the images they generate strictly coincides with how intelligently they follow internet trends.


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How to Cite

Czepiec-Veltzé, K. . (2022). Debate on images. About the content of political internet memes. Media Business Culture, (1(12), 171–188. Retrieved from


