Testing the Extent of the ‘Immersive’ Experience: The Role of Ad Relevance, Ad Vividness, and Ad Message Explicitness in Narrative Advertising


  • Eunjin (Anna) Kim University of Southern California
  • Sidharth Muralidharan Southern Methodist University
  • Heather Shoenberger Penn State University


narrative advertising, ad relevance, ad vividness, ad message explicitness, ad attitude


A study with 40 real TV commercials and 421 non-student participants confirmed that advertising persuasiveness could be enhanced when narratives are more relevant to a viewer and produce more vivid details. Specifically, greater ad relevance and ad vividness produced more goal facilitation, emotional engagement, and likelihood of decreased ad skepticism, resulting in more positive ad and brand attitudes. Furthermore, the results supported a moderated mediation process, with ad message explicitness as an important moderator. We found that the positive effects of ad relevance and ad vividness were dampened when viewers perceived the ad message to be more explicit.


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How to Cite

Kim, E. (Anna), Muralidharan, S., & Shoenberger, H. (2022). Testing the Extent of the ‘Immersive’ Experience: The Role of Ad Relevance, Ad Vividness, and Ad Message Explicitness in Narrative Advertising. Media Business Culture, (2(13), 9–26. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/MBK/article/view/7951


