Crowdfunding as a Means of Promotion. Rhetorical Topoi in the Campaign Tortoise. Open journalism – a different kind of newsroom on the Kickstarter Platform (2018)


  • Elżbieta Pawlak-Hejno The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University


crowdfunding, promotion, journalism, storytelling, topos


The purpose of this article is to present crowdfunding campaigns, not only as an alternative option for financing a project, but also as a promotional tool. Researchers point out that one of the elements of a successful campaign is the use of storytelling to support the realization of the persuasive function of the message. Giving the structure of the story a pragmatic dimension, allows it to be analyzed from the perspective of rhetoric, and consider the structure itself in the category of rhetorical topos. The example chosen for analysis is the campaign of, which proved to be a huge crowdfunding success and continues to grow its business. The implementation of the collection proved that the public wants to fund journalistic projects of value to them.


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How to Cite

Pawlak-Hejno, E. (2022). Crowdfunding as a Means of Promotion. Rhetorical Topoi in the Campaign Tortoise. Open journalism – a different kind of newsroom on the Kickstarter Platform (2018). Media Business Culture, (2(13), 185–198. Retrieved from


