The creation of femininity sense through Walt Disney’s animated films


  • Arleta Witek University of Gdańsk



princess, femininity, pop culture, animated film, Disney


In my article I will try to present characters of Disney princesses, that is, the heroines of a series of animated films based on classic fairy tales. I will present their history and the role they play in contemporary pop culture. I also discuss issues related to creating a sense of femininity and its exemplary features. I focus on the presence of stereotypes in animated films, primarily related to gender formation.

By means of animated films, the media shapes children’s attitudes and social norms that penetrate into everyday life and  function as  permanent models of behavior. Disney Princess is not only an animated character from the film for small recipients, but also a „friend” who is a role model, a cultural icon of childhood and a symbol of an ideal girl who in the future becomes an ideal woman.


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Author Biography

Arleta Witek, University of Gdańsk

Arleta Witek – absolwentka historii sztuki oraz pedagogiki na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim, doktorantka w Instytucie Pedagogiki Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UG. Zainteresowania badawcze: kobiecość w kulturze, edukacja alternatywna, ochrona praw zwierząt.


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How to Cite

Witek, A. (2019). The creation of femininity sense through Walt Disney’s animated films . Progress, (5), 90–98.



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