Epistemic mag revisited: Assessing the (ir)relevance of propositions





Epistemicity, irrelevance judgements, modal verbs, mag, factuality


This paper investigates the epistemic use of the German modal mag. Recent studies have suggested that it might be developing into a concessive marker, possibly losing its epistemic component of assessing the factuality of a proposition. Using a corpus‑based analysis of its context features, this paper argues that mag still retains some of its epistemic characteristics and is functionally close to markers of irrelevance.


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How to Cite

Politt, K. (2023). Epistemic mag revisited: Assessing the (ir)relevance of propositions. Studia Germanica Gedanensia, 49, 29–39. https://doi.org/10.26881/sgg.2023.49.02