The reviewed journal entitled „Studia Germanica Gedanensia” has been published by the German Institute of the Faculty of Languages of Gdańsk University since 1993. Since 2012 it has been published as a half – yearly journal and two thematic issues are prepared: one on the literary studies and another one on linguistics; they are announced by separate Calls for Papers. The scope of scientific articles printed in the journal includes history of German literature, comparative literary studies, regional literature, applied linguistics, linguistic and cultural relations in Central Europe, intercultural German studies, history of German culture, Polish-German cultural relations in European perspective, Gedaniana (Gdańsk studies), language pedagogy and psycholinguistics, theory of translation, new media and the so called applied German studies. Moreover, there are reviews, scientific conferences reports and sometimes also translation samples of poetry and other texts. Articles are printed in German, occasionally in Polish. The author of the article will receive a free copy of the volume, and the author of the reviews a pdf file.

The printed version is primary: ISSN 1230-6045. Within the next six months after publishing the printed version, a PDF version of the whole volume is available on:

EDITOR: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

A  half-yearly journal.

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