Didactics on the stage: Performative autoethnography of students’ and lecturers’ performances


  • Oskar Szwabowski University of Szczecin
  • Paulina Wężniejewska University of Szczecin
  • Monika Stodolna University of Szczecin




autoethnography, voices, higher education, didactics


This is a performative text – a record of an autoethnographic performance on academic didactics. We show the dynamics of work during the “Autoethnographies of Study” project. It was a didactic project conducted over several years. Our presentation concerns the most extensive and the most fruitful of its implementations in 2015/2016 (for more see Szwabowski 2019; Szwabowski, Wężniejewska 2017; Kaczmarczyk et al. [in print]). The project used autoethnography both as a teaching tool and as a research method. Students were to become researchers into their academic life. They were to transform themselves from recipients of knowledge into producers.

The following text was presented at a conference on academic didactics. Instead of preparing a typical paper, we decided to show how it was done. Again. Once again. This is one of many stories. Repetition – different again.

The text consists of a description of the process of its creation. Element of proper performance. Finally, we explain once again our position regarding the role of the text/ performances and recall the emotions that accompanied us and the voices that came to us.


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How to Cite

Szwabowski, O., Wężniejewska, P., & Stodolna, M. (2019). Didactics on the stage: Performative autoethnography of students’ and lecturers’ performances. Ars Educandi, (16), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.26881/ae.2019.16.09



Part two: Unequal collaboration in writing