Vacation-time foodways – about the practice of children’s participation
Słowa kluczowe:
new childhood studies,, anthropology of food in travel, children, holidays, foodwaysAbstrakt
The article was based on interviews with children and their families on various topics related to vacation-time foodways, in particular related to the phenomenon of preparing, selecting and receiving food. I refer to the children’s voice on this issue, which is still little known. My aim is to describe the nature of this participation and children’s attitudes, presented on the basis of the utterances of children and their parents from the urban (capital) upper middle class.
The narratives I described allowed me to understand that while traveling and on vacations children co-create the social world together with adults in a very clear and extremely engaged way, having greater freedom of action and agency and a greater influence on the choices they make. This happens in various ways: children often willingly repeat and imitate the culinary behavior of adults, others constantly negotiate with their parents about the dishes and snacks they really want to eat or which they definitely do not want to eat on holiday. At the same time, they can question adults’ decisions and attitudes, categorically refusing to eat some type of food. Children also process in their own individual way what their parents say, e.g. about unhealthy cuisine. Children want to make their own food choices, knowing the limits and accepting them. They are open to new things, but only in a safe environment and with the full involvement of parents in these initial participations. They are more open and willing to this than parents initially think.
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