Therapeutic discourses and practices as neoliberal technology of power: Auto-ethnographic case study of “Szkoła Edukacji”


Słowa kluczowe:

Interpellation, post-Fordism, School of Education (Szkoła Edukacji), therapeutic culture, ideology, privatisation


The article is situated on the intersection of two genres of ethnographic writing: case study and autoethnography. The object of interest is the Warsaw School of Education, the patterns of interpellation developed and implemented within it (in Althusser's sense), while the starting point of the analysis is the author's year-long study within this institution. The aim of the ethnography is to show how therapeutic discourses and practices become, within the institutions of social reproduction (schools, universities), a form of power and a tool for conducting neoliberal class policies. The author formulates a hypothesis about the appearance of a new therapeutic interpellation scheme, briefly discusses its content and form, and identifies the demands of the post-Fordist regime of production to which they are a response. Finally, he outlines the possibilities of interpreting the observed transformations as much in the perspective of the full adaptation of the Polish semi-peripheries to the conditions of post-Fordism, as in the final decomposition of the relatively egalitarian educational system ‘inherited’ from socialism and the so-called ‘second wave of privatisation’.  


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Biogram autora

Andrzej Frączysty - Uniwersytet Łódzki

doktorant socjologii na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, założyciel i redaktor cyfrowego magazynu poświęconego krytyce literackiej i społecznej Mały Format (, nauczyciel.
Zainteresowania badawcze: socjologia pracy, socjologia sztuki, socjologia i antropologia zdrowia psychicznego, socjologia ruchów społecznych, pedagogika krytyczna.


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Jak cytować

Frączysty, A. (2024). Therapeutic discourses and practices as neoliberal technology of power: Auto-ethnographic case study of “Szkoła Edukacji”. Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia, (9), 93–115. Pobrano z