Pomaga czy jednak przeszkadza? Muzyka w procesie budowania relacji rodzic–dziecko w rodzinach o zróżnicowanym pochodzeniu społecznym
Słowa kluczowe:
cultural stratification, music, lifestyle, family, parent-child relationshipAbstrakt
The main purpose of the article is to try to show how music "works" in family relations and to what extent it allows to create and sustain relationships between parents and children. The analysis is based on the results of a qualitative study involving 40 families with diverse social origins. First, it should be noted that if parents are interested in music and treat it as an important element in their lives, then regardless of their social background, they will be actively involved in the musical socialization of their children. In this aspect, the greatest variation of strategies can be seen in representatives of the so-called cultural elite (obligatory model) and owners (emotional, unforced and casual approach). Moreover, socialization to music in the family is therefore not a one-way process. Children co-create the family musical adventure, often serving as a guide to the world of music for their parents. Moreover, the diversity of musical roles within the family is apparent. It turned out that for the young respondents, the father is more important in dealing with music. Although it should be noted that in farmers and working-class families the important role of the mother as the person animating family musical life is noticeable. The overall strength of parental influence weakens as the importance of peer groups increases, but it is clear that the primal musical socialization in the family continues to be reflected in the activities of growing children.
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