Dzieciństwo, „uczenie się” i sprawczość. Autoetnograficznie o doświadczeniach szkoły podstawowej w Waszyngtonie


Słowa kluczowe:

elementary school, education, values, agency, participation, participant observation


In the text, I analyze the participation of students and parents in the everyday world of a primary school in Washington D.C., USA. Based on observation, unstructured interviews and autoethnography, I analyzed three aspects that I considered most important for my experience as a parent and my daughter as a student: welcoming a child to school and creating a school community; agency and democracy at school; and, the participation of children and parents in the school community. I argue that both learning and the inclusion of students in American society takes place in the school through the values transmitted and implemented during the learning process. In this way, I refer to the postulates of creating situations in the educational context in which the well-being and happiness of young people are important elements of school activities. The article is based on a tenmonth participatory observation in Stoddert school where I was the mother of a student and a volunteer.


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Biogram autora

Izabella Main - Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza

antropolożka i historyczka, profesora w Instytucie Antropologii i Etnologii na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
Zainteresowania: edukacja dzieci z doświadczeniem migracji, studia migracyjne, antropologia medyczna, antropologia stosowana i zaangażowana.


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Jak cytować

Main , I. (2024). Dzieciństwo, „uczenie się” i sprawczość. Autoetnograficznie o doświadczeniach szkoły podstawowej w Waszyngtonie. Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia, (9), 163–182. Pobrano z