Praktyki epistemiczne głuchych
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
deaf, deafness, embodiment, epistemology, discourse, practiceAbstrakt
The article presents an analysis of interviews with and for deaf people posted on the website of the project “Deaf Poland Can”. The topic of the analysis are epistemic practices of deaf people, i.e. both the content of deaf people’s knowledge and the ways of gaining this knowledge. Epistemic practices of deaf people have a twofold reference to sensuality. On the one hand, it is noticeable at the level of discourse, which shows the possibilities of a deaf person and his/her specific bodily experience. On the other hand, it is visible at the sign-language level, where elements such as motion and visuality give the descriptions a particular kind of precision.
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Źródła internetowe: [dostęp: 10.10.2017]. [dostęp: 10.10.2017]. [dostęp: 10.10.2017]. [dostęp: 10.10.2017].
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