Everyday enacting of agents through bodily simulation, voicing, and familiarization of artifacts among the Arabela (Peruvian Amazonia)
https://doi.org/10.26881/etno.2020.6.05Słowa kluczowe:
Amazonian ethnology, animism, perspectivism, familiarizing predation, reported speech, eponymy, ideophonesAbstrakt
The Arabela – a group of Zaparoan origin from the Peruvian Amazonia – often claim to adopt other (human and nonhuman) persons’ ways of performing actions, referring to things and expressing emotions. They do it through a variety of speech acts – from announcements of their own actions, to third-person comments about other people’s actions, to exclamations – and to accomplish various interactional ends (from avoidance to teasing). This paper shows that these different forms of enacting of others actualize a society consisting of human and nonhuman persons with different bodily ethograms, where relations between bodies and affects follow a scheme of familiarizing predation. Also, a specific concept of the Arabela agent emerges from this analysis, where the Other is individualized as a static ethogram of gestures and voices, while the speaking or acting subject has to prove his/her ability to singularize Others, using their presumably typical verbal expressions and actions. The ultimate goal of this paper is to stimulate reflection on the links between everyday interactions and ontologies in Amazonia.
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