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Strefa kontaktu, czyli interaktywne relacje antropologa w terenie



Słowa kluczowe:

anthropological field research, contact zone, space factor, time factor, intensive habitation, interpreter, Daba, Berbers


Based on the classic concept developed by M.L. Pratt and the author’s experience of fieldwork in Africa, this article discusses methods of building a contact zone during anthropological field research. Under the conditions of such research, a limited space of mutual, lasting, interactive relations is created between the anthropologist and the local social environment. The contact zone understood in this way is produced discursively and practiced physically. The time factor and coordination of the anthropologist’s availa- bility with the rhythm of life in the studied community are paramount. The contact zone may have different scope and social depth – it will be shallow, scattered and short-lived in field research covering an extensive area, but will acquire an interactive depth during an “intensive habitation”, when an anthropologist shares everyday life with the studied community.


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Biogram autora

Ryszard Vorbrich - Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

antropolog/etnolog, profesor zw. w Instytucie Antropologii i Etnologii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Pola badawcze: etnologia Afryki, zmiana społeczna i kulturowa w Afryce, kultura Maghrebu (Amazigh), antropologia ekonomiczna i prawna, antropologia rozwoju, Afrykanie w Europie, islam europejski.


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Jak cytować

Vorbrich, R. (2021). Strefa kontaktu, czyli interaktywne relacje antropologa w terenie. Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia, (7), 167–181.

