Wdowy, polityczki, feministki i ja. Esej o antropologii na rogu ulicy
https://doi.org/10.26881/etno.2021.7.13Słowa kluczowe:
fieldwork, female anthropologist, researcher’s positionality, female research partners, closeness, reciprocity, informal tourism sector, orced displacement, IndiaAbstrakt
In the article, I tell the stories of a few female research partners of mine, who accompanied me during ethnographic fieldwork on forced displacement at the UNESCO World Heritage site in Hampi, India. These women differed in every respect: their ethnic origin and caste, religious affiliation, age, marriage status, social position, level of education, and person- ality. What they had in common was their agency in challenging social expectations and an extraordinary capability to be resilient. I scrutinize my close, albeit not always easy relationships with them, the process of rapport-building in the field, the power relations inscribed in ethnographic research and my own changing positionality vis-a-vis women from my street in Hampi.
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