Teren, wspólnota, etyka: w poszukiwaniu „właściwej” drogi w terenowych badaniach antropologicznych
https://doi.org/10.26881/etno.2021.7.15Słowa kluczowe:
ethics, fieldwork, space, action research, interlocutorsAbstrakt
In this article, I elaborate on some ethical and methodological doubts that have emerged in the course of my ethnographic fieldwork. They relate to the process of constructing the field, moments of collective experimentation, and the process of developing long-term relationships between the ethnographer and his or her interlocutors. I show how the stage of constructing the field may be uncertain and contingent, yet at the same time crucial for understanding the studied phenomena. I then explain how some forms of closeness and friendship in the field may be also transform into common social and artistic projects. Finally, I reflect on deeper ethical tensions related to authorship and authorization during the writing-up stage of research. I argue that some forms of collaboration in the field lead both towards a form of shared authorship and to the necessity to make our interlocutors’ identity anonymous and invisible.
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