Aspects of seashore protection in the Late Roman empire


  • Adam Świętoń Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie



The article contains brief considerations on the legal aspects of coastal protection in the period of the late Roman empire. The Roman authorities of the transmarine provinces were likely to face problems such as the smuggling of illegal goods or unwelcomed persons. The question is who was in fact responsible for the prevention of and fight against unlawful activities. There are only few constitutions which indirectly refer to this problem. The laws indicate that the responsibility burdened various types of officials. only one of them – custos litorum – seems to be strictly connected to the marine duties. The origins and com- petences of custodes litorum are however unclear and should be subject to further research.


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Jak cytować

Świętoń, A. . (2019). Aspects of seashore protection in the Late Roman empire. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(43)/2019), 71–80.