Using lex Rhodia in the case of a pirate attack


  • Anna Tarwacka Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego



The regulations on participation in loss incurred by persons traveling by ship were very consistent. The settlement was possible only in case of acting in the common interest. A jettison was carried out in order to relieve the vessel and increase its handling and speed. The cause could be a sea storm and the risk of wrecking the ship, but also, it seems, a pirate chase. In such case a person who suffered a loss could demand reimbursement from the ship’s captain who could then sue other passengers. however, if the ransom was paid to the pirates, reimbursement was possible only if everyone benefited from it, and therefore when the entire ship was ransomed. Individual items ransomed separately and what the sea robbers had seized were not subject to the settlement.


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Jak cytować

Tarwacka, A. . (2019). Using lex Rhodia in the case of a pirate attack. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(43)/2019), 81–90.