Septimius Severus – restitutor castrorum (et portus) ostiensium


  • Anna Tatarkiewicz Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  • Krzysztof Królczyk Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu



The activity of Septimius Severus in relation to ostia and Portus is significant and multidimensional. The emperor, who himself came from a city-port of Lepcis magna, was well aware of the importance of ostia for Rome and the Roman empire as a whole. This can be demonstrated by the series of activities undertaken at the mouth of the Tiber. These activities were intensified in particular during the preparations for the expeditio felicissima Britannica. Septimius Severus undoubtedly deserved the epigraphically certified title of restitutor castrorum ostiensium.


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Jak cytować

Tatarkiewicz, A. ., & Królczyk, K. . (2019). Septimius Severus – restitutor castrorum (et portus) ostiensium. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(43)/2019), 91–104.