Some remarks on Benito Mussolini’s speech Roma antica sul mare


  • Krzysztof Szczygielski Uniwersytet Białostocki



The purpose of this article is to analyse Benito mussolini’s speech titled Roma antica sul mare given on 5 october 1926 in Perugia. The fascist leader referred on many occasions to issues associated with the sea. making Italy the main power on the mediterranean Sea was a very important element of the Italian leader’s policy. his recollection of glorious events from distant past was an excellent way to create a vision of the restoration of the roman empire.


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Jak cytować

Szczygielski, K. . (2019). Some remarks on Benito Mussolini’s speech Roma antica sul mare. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(43)/2019), 177–188.