Universality of the Rhodian maritime law


  • Jacek Wiewiorowski Uniwersytet Gdański




The article is devoted to the Rhodian maritime law (i.e. lex Rhodia de iactu [rhodian law about jettison]), which is considered to be a primary source of knowledge about the terms of jettison and other risks associated with navigation in maritime law. First, the Author presents general information concerning the issue and the impact of law in legal history. Then, he draws on the findings of sciences with regard to the roots of the sense of justice among humans and points out their correspondences with solutions adopted in Rhodian law about jettison. In conclusion, the Author advocates the need to resort to the achievements of evolutionary psychology in studies devoted to Roman law and modern legal studies as well. In his opinion, this would serve to verify and support the thesis that certain solutions developed by Roman law are universal as well as to promote the idea of returning to the unity of knowledge (consilience).


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Jak cytować

Wiewiorowski, J. . (2019). Universality of the Rhodian maritime law. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(43)/2019), 217–230. https://doi.org/10.26881/gsp.2019.3.17