Od rzymskiego prawa morskiego do polskiego prawa zobowiązań
According to art. 438 of the Polish Civil Code: “Whoever suffers a material loss, forcibly or even voluntarily, in order to prevent damage to another person or to avoid common danger, is entitled to claim compensation for the loss sustained, in suitable proportions, from people who benefitted from it.” This institution finds its origin in the lex Rhodia de iactu, known in roman law. The proposal to extend the rhodian rule to cases other than those related to the danger for the ship is the heritage of medieval school of glossators. however, the transposition of an institution adapted to the conditions of maritime transport to the contemporary law of obligations is associated with specific problems. This particularly applies to the new character of this institution. The analysis of historical sources indicates that it is a sui generis liability that cannot be attributed to tort liability or negotiorum gestio.
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