A debate on “Freedom of economic activity in Polish and German legal culture – a comparative perspective”, Gdańsk, March 24, 2021


  • Michał Biliński Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  • Hanna Wolska University of Gdańsk


On March 24, 2021, the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk held an international debate on the legal conditions of freedom of economic activity in Poland and Germany with the participation of academic staff from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk and the Faculty of Law of Justus Liebig University in Gießen (JLU).




Jak cytować

Biliński, M., & Wolska, H. (2021). A debate on “Freedom of economic activity in Polish and German legal culture – a comparative perspective”, Gdańsk, March 24, 2021. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(51)/2021), 191–194. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/gdanskie_studia_prawnicze/article/view/6350