Wymiar Północny UE a Obwód Kaliningradzki Federacji Rosyjskiej – obszary współpracy
Słowa kluczowe:
Wymiar Północny, Kaliningrad, Rosja, współpracaAbstrakt
The aim of the article is to present how important is the Northern Dimension of the EU for development of the Kaliningrad Oblast. The author shows the significance of the Northern Dimension, its influence on the region as well as specific areas of cooperation. Further the article deals with particular projects in the area of transport and logistics, environment, public health and social welfare, as well as in the field of culture. The Northern Dimension of the EU allows multidimensional cooperation with Russia on the regional level with Kalinigrad Oblast as main beneficiary. This cooperation is possible despite difficult relations between Russia and its neighbors. The initiatives important for the Oblast have been supported, development of the infrastructure or fight against social pathologies in particular. The implementation of specific initiatives within the Northern Dimension has not improved, however, the relationship between Russia and the countries participating in this project.
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