French philosophy of religion


  • Karol Tarnowski Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


reflection, metaphysical desire, immanence/transcendence, donation, phenomenology


It is difficult to outline the synthesis of French philosophy inspired by a religion, because this concept is rich and diversified.

Certainly, what is significance for this philosophy is concentrating on the concept of subject. The entire French philosophy is derived from Descartes, although the Cartesian current is just a peculiar branch of this philosophy. The map of this philosophy has been divided into three heritages: Maine de Biran andFrench philosophy of reflection, Pascal's heritage and the concept of personalism, and finally – uniquely Cartesian (in the broadest sense) heritage of phenomenology and hermeneutics of Ricoeur. These intellectual currents are different, but related with “spirit” of French philosophy, which is, above all, the philosophy of the experiencing and thinking subject , and his relation to God. It is also a philosophy that is most exposed to attempts of the postmodern deconstruction, e.g. by Jacques Derrida or Jean-Luc Nancy. Its permanence and timelessness, however, are proved in the volumes of Jean-Luc Marion, as well as in the still little studied work of Michel Henry, and in the admirable hermeneutic studies of Ricoeur.


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How to Cite

Tarnowski , K. (2019). French philosophy of religion. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(5), 9–22. Retrieved from