Evolution of Henri Bergson’s views on the nature of God and its social dimension


  • Maria Urbańska-Bożek


Henri Bergson, mystic, saint, nature of God, love, open morality, open religion, open society


The aim of the article is to present the direction of evolution of Bergson’s views on the nature of the God. The worldview transformation of the French philosopher made a radical turn from God understood as a creative act and energy to a personal God
whose essence is love. There will be also indicated the possible social consequences of Bergson’s thoughts, which boil down to indicating the possibility of building an open religion and morality in an open society. The saint/the mystic has an important role in shaping such societies. For Bergson a saint is a prefiguration of a new human being, who is employing a new way of thinking. This is the man of dialogue, somebody who is spiritually strong, free, as well as open to challenges and to other people. French philosopher wants to overcome the hitherto prevailing thinking about the Other as an alien, and to build the foundations supporting the social and religious dialogue.


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How to Cite

Urbańska-Bożek, M. . (2019). Evolution of Henri Bergson’s views on the nature of God and its social dimension. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(5), 35–49. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/karto-teka/article/view/7888

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