The Idea of Occupational Justice and Difficulties with Its Implementation in Polish Conditions on the Example of People with Mental Disorders


  • Edyta Janus Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie

Słowa kluczowe:

occupation, occupational justice, occupational injustice, mental health


Occupation is one of the basic human needs. The term refers to all activities that people need to, want to, and are expected to do. It includes activities of daily life related to selfcare, productivity and leisure time, named, defined and having a value given to them by individuals and culture. Human beings are occupational beings, and occupation is an active element of human existence, necessary for health as it is understood in the broadest sense.
The right to pursue activities relevant to the individual, which is enshrined in the concept of occupational justice, is often not reflected by the opportunities available to individuals or groups facing various types of limitations, e.g., disabilities, mental disorders, social exclusion, etc. Limited awareness, unavailability of support, funding difficulties – this is the grim reality both for people struggling with certain difficulties and for those who look after their care.
In this article, the idea of occupational justice is contextualised within the Polish reality of health care and social care directed to people with mental disorders.


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Dz. U. Nr 111, poz. 535 z późn. zm. – Ustawa z dnia 19 sierpnia 1994 r. o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego, art. 3.



Jak cytować

Janus, E. (2023). The Idea of Occupational Justice and Difficulties with Its Implementation in Polish Conditions on the Example of People with Mental Disorders. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 24(1), 59–70. Pobrano z