The Everyday Life of People with Coeliac Disease


  • Joanna Kopycka


Coeliac disease (CD) is a genetic disease which means permanent and perennial gluten intolerance. Due to the insufficient knowledge of doctors, before the disease is diagnosed, patients experience many clinical problems which are only the results of misdiagnosis. The only possible therapy of CD is lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet which requires purchasing special, certified foods which are more expensive and less available than standard foods. This paper presents the results of my own research in which one-on-one interviews with fourteen people in Poland, suffering from coeliac disease were conducted. The aim of the study was to characterize the everyday life-world of patients with coeliac disease in accordance with the phenomenological concept of structures of Social-World by Alfred Schütz. The subject of the study consisted in behaviours and experiences on some areas of the every-day life.


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Jak cytować

Kopycka, J. (2025). The Everyday Life of People with Coeliac Disease. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 24(2-3). Pobrano z