The impact of advertising on formation of the eating habits of children and adolescents. The role of media in the development of obesity


  • Anna Przeliorz-Pyszczek Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu


Słowa kluczowe:

mass media, body weight, nutrition, children, adolescent


The occurrence of overweight and obesity is a significant problem not only among adults but also among children and adolescents. Mass media – advertising on television, the Internet and the press – plays a big role in determining the daily dietary choices of children and adolescents. This population group is particularly susceptible to advertising and is a target group for many food advertisements. Food advertising accounts for up to 50% of the advertising emitted during children’s programs. The most commonly advertised products include those rich in sugar, fat and salt, such as sweetened breakfast cereals, sweet drinks, sweets and salty snacks, and fast food. In Poland television advertising account for as much as 11% of programs watched by children. Young consumers themselves declare that they like watching TV commercials. An average child watches 40.000 ads per year on television. Education of children and adolescents, including both promoting healthy eating habits and increasing awareness of the impact of advertising on the consumer, can play a significant role in the prevention of overweight and obesity in this population.


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Jak cytować

Przeliorz-Pyszczek, A. (2018). The impact of advertising on formation of the eating habits of children and adolescents. The role of media in the development of obesity. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 19(2), 133–143.