On Empathy. E. Stein and R. Ingarden vs. Cognitive Psychology


  • Tomasz Kąkol



Słowa kluczowe:

cognitive science(s), empathy, R. Ingarden, mind-body problem, mind-reading, phenomenology, E. Stein


In this paper I compare (using as paradigmatic examples E. Stein and R. Ingarden) phenomenological theories of empathy (understood as “mind-reading”) with contemporary cognitivists’ approach to this issue, arguing that although they are prima facie incompatible, in fact they can be seen as complementary. Since empathy is indispensable in practice, a correct conceptualization of this topic is desirable.


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Jak cytować

Kąkol, T. (2019). On Empathy. E. Stein and R. Ingarden vs. Cognitive Psychology. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 20(1), 36–45. https://doi.org/10.26881/maes.2019.1.02