Phenomenology contra Nazism: Dietrich von Hildebrand and Aurel Kolnai


  • Michael Gubser


Słowa kluczowe:

phenomenology, ethics, politics, Hildebrand, Kolnai, Nazism, Scheler


This paper discusses the relationship between phenomenology and political activism in the work of two lesser-known second-generation phenomenologists: Dietrich von Hildebrand and Aurel Kolnai. As young philosophers in the 1920s, Hildebrand and Kolnai became staunch adherents of the phenomenological movement. Influenced especially by Max Scheler and Adolf Reinach, they were particularly interested in questions of ethical theory and moral action. In the 1930s, with the rise of Hitler, they joined an important circle of conservative Catholic critics of Nazism based around the journal Der christliche Ständestaat in Vienna. After examining the links between phenomenology and activism in their work, my essay concludes by considering how these two thinkers can revise our understanding of phenomenology’s history of social engagement and its potential relevance to social and political debate today.



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Jak cytować

Gubser, M. (2019). Phenomenology contra Nazism: Dietrich von Hildebrand and Aurel Kolnai. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 20(1), 115–132.