“Good Care Means That You Make People Happy”. A Qualitative Study on Perceptions Regarding Good Dementia Care Among People with Different Ethnic Backgrounds in Norway


  • Elżbieta Anna Czapka
  • Mette Sagbakken


The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of good dementia care among people with different ethnic backgrounds in Norway. The study had a qualitative design. Individual semi-structured interviews were carried out with twenty family caregivers with different ethnic backgrounds, five representatives of immigrant communities, and five representatives of health and care personnel working with people living with dementia. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes in the interview material. Data analysis revealed five themes related to the elements of good care: combining institutional and family care; attributes and formal/informal competencies of caregivers, ensuring patient- centered, holistic care; dignity-preserving care and the special role of food. Most of the study participants emphasized elements of care that constitutes what can be described as patient-centered care. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first Norwegian study on the perceptions of good dementia care among people with different ethnic backgrounds.




Jak cytować

Czapka, E. A., & Sagbakken, M. (2023). “Good Care Means That You Make People Happy”. A Qualitative Study on Perceptions Regarding Good Dementia Care Among People with Different Ethnic Backgrounds in Norway. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 23(2-3). Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/maes/article/view/8848



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