Reconstruction of contemporary discourses focused on ‘protection of life’ and ‘right to abortion’ in Poland in the perspective of posthumanism. Pedagogigal study




posthumanism, discourse, life, abortion, conflict, Facebook, Internet


Posthumanism is a new way of thinking and talking about human beings, their place in the world and their relationship with non-human beings. A review of concepts, defined as posthumanist, reveals the ambiguity of this paradigm. This article distinguishes between philosophical posthumanism and transhumanism. The choice of posthumanism as the leading theoretical perspective resulted from preliminary research (identyfication of issues on Facebook) in which the language of the posthumanities it appeared very often both in posts and in the comments of Facebook users. An analysis of the literature describing the sources and views defined today as posthumanist, as well as previous research on the language of the dispute ‘protection of life’ and ‘the right to abortion’ by other authors, It made it possible to pose questions and research goals in the context of posthumanities. Research problems refer to the analysis of the linguistic layer – to the communication practices taking place in the Facebook space. As a result of the analysis, two discourses focused on ‘protection of life’ - personal and Christian veganism, and two of ‘the right to abortion’ – utilitarian and feministic ones. One of the important cognitive findings of the research project is to point to the problems of learning in the Facebook space. Facebook users are learning in situations where the boundaries of the ‘communication bubble’ (Malinowski 2016). This finding contradicts the current ways of describing Facebook through the prism of closed communication communities (Kirkpatrick 2011).


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How to Cite

Budnik, A. (2023). Reconstruction of contemporary discourses focused on ‘protection of life’ and ‘right to abortion’ in Poland in the perspective of posthumanism. Pedagogigal study. Disability , (51), 58–73.


