Adults with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) – a lost generation, diagnosis and support




adults, autism, autism spectrum conditions, support, lost generation


Autism spectrum conditions (ASC) represent lifelong neurodevelopmental conditions whose features usually manifest in early childhood, although they are now increasingly being diagnosed in adulthood as well. The diagnosis of autism, based on the observation of behavioural symptoms, has evolved since Kanner’s time, with successive versions of classification manuals not only changing the nomenclature but also shaping the guidelines for diagnosis. In the past, the low awareness of professionals and the changing diagnostic criteria may suggest that many individuals presenting with atypical symptoms that did not conform to the standards of the time remained undiagnosed or were misidentified. A review of the literature indicates that research and support programmes to date have mainly focused on children and adolescents with ASC, as well as adults with these conditions, who also presented with lower IQs. However, it is worth noting that adults with ASC who do not meet these criteria may also experience significant support needs.


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How to Cite

Strzelecki , D. D. (2023). Adults with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) – a lost generation, diagnosis and support . Disability , (51), 152–166.


