Non-employment of persons with autism spectrum disorders in the Polish legal and digital reality




employment, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), rights of persons with disabilities, digital age


The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the United Nations in 2006, provides all persons with disabilities with equality before the law and prohibits any discrimination. It also guarantees the right to work. The issue of employing persons with autism has been the subject of many scientific studies in the English-language literature while in the Polish science this area is still poorly researched or described. Individuals with this type of disorder constitute a challenge for the Polish education and employment in the open job market. The root of these problems lies in social prejudices and fears caused by the neurodiversity of this social group, which includes both persons with extensive disorders as well as autonomously functioning ones. Parochialism in perception of the latter group deprives the Polish state of the potential that is difficult to overestimate, which is characteristic of some persons with autism not employed in Poland during the digital era, the time of digitization, automation, remote work on platforms, individual or team work.


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How to Cite

Baczała, D. (2023). Non-employment of persons with autism spectrum disorders in the Polish legal and digital reality. Disability , (51), 167–179.


