Organizational principles of teaching in inclusive education of learners with disability


  • Zenon Gajdzica University of Silesia



principles of teaching, organizational principles of teaching, inclusive education, deconstruction of special education


The article is not aimed at the reconstruction of didactic principles, but at an attempt at formulating them in the organizational aspect. It is associated with exploring the processes of organizing space, time and other basic assumptions which structuralize two types of inclusive education. The starting point of this study is the assumption that applying or rejecting the existence of some specified organizational principles, as well as attributing a specified rank to them, is one of the essential factors which differentiate the foundations of educational inclusion. The main thesis, constituting the axis for discussion, is the assumption that constructing authentic (not feigned) inclusive education cannot be entirely based on the change of views on disability (transition from the individual to social model). It should be based on the changes of the broader context related to the paradigmatic transformations of the assumptions of didactics. The article consists of several parts. In the first, the principles of didactics have been discussed, the second is an attempt at outlining the theoretical foundations of two types of educational inclusion – based on the reconstruction and deconstruction of special education. The essence of the study is the presentation of the author’s concept of organizational principles which are treated as determinants of the types of inclusion. The whole is completed with a  recapitulation with contextual references to the transformations of special didactics.


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How to Cite

Gajdzica, Z. . (2019). Organizational principles of teaching in inclusive education of learners with disability. Disability , (33), 26–39.